Guiding Questions for the Lectio Divina

07.02.2010 · Posted in Uncategorized


These questions are just to guide you on being focused on the purpose of each phase of the Lectio Divina. You find questions to guide you listening well to the passage in question. Questions that may provoke your mind to reflect on what might have struck you. Questions that can stir your heart to respond to the Word of God. And questions that may guide you how to hold the Word that struck you in your heart, so that you may abide in it during the day or week. These questions are far from exhausting; you may think of other ones.

Remember that the Lectio Divina has four stages:

  1. Lectio (or reading);
  2. Meditatio (or reflecting);
  3. Oratio (or praying);
  4. Contemplatio (or contemplating).

Before reading the Passage of Scripture, pray to the Holy Spirit, ask Him to lead you in reading, reflecting, praying and contemplating the Word; ask Him to enlighten you and enkindle in your heart the fire of His Love.

“Come, Holy Spirit,

Fill the heart of your faithful,
And enkindle in him (her)
The fire of Your Love!”

About Reading

– See that you read and understand well before reacting and reflecting! It is so common for us to jump into wrong conclusions because we did not have enough patience to understand what the other was trying to tell us! –
* What do you read? What do you listen? What is the meaning? What do you understand?

About Reflecting

– Unless you keep reminding yourself that God is speaking TO YOU personally, the Word of God will never really touch you, and you will never come into a real and fruitful contact with it! –
* What does this Word tell you? What relevance does it have to your present situation? What light does it shed on your life? What is God telling you through it?

About Praying

– This is really an intimate and personal meeting between you and the Word of God. However, this meeting is done IN, WITH, and THROUGH the Community. Certain things, if not all, can and must be shared! –
* How does this Word inspire you? What feelings does it provoke in the depths of your heart? How does the Spirit of the Word want to pray through you?

About Contemplating

– Listening to the Word of God and allienating yourself from it, is not the same! Things happen! God reigns through His Word, when it is welcomed without prejudice, loved unconditionally, and accepted as one’s own guidance! –
* When you look through this Word, what do you see? Does this Word give you any vision for the near future? How do you intend living it?

January 2025


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Now you can ffind and see: Update Picture of the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Latest Photos Countries of English Speaking Africa. Lectio Divina for this week.