School of Evangelisation

Program of Courses: October 2010 – July 2011
“All the things,

you have heard me saying

in the presence of many witnesses,

entrust to reliable men,

who will also be qualified to teach others”

(2 Timothy 2:2)
Purpose of the Course:
That the participant goes through a process of inner healing together with Jesus, in order to strengthen his relationship with Jesus, with others and with himself.
From 8 till 10 October 2010

At Annunciation Center, Floriana

See or download details, click here.

From 18 till 20 March 2011


Purpose of the Course:
That the participant listen to the Kerygma announced anew and make a personal decision to accept Jesus at the center of his life, renews his Baptism, and opens himself to the action of the Holy Spirit.
From 1 till 3 October 2010

For Youths.

See or download details, click here.

From 3 till 5 June 2011
Before Pentecost.


Purpose of the Course:
That the participant makes a personal and lively experience of the Word of God, to such an extent that he becomes full of enthusiasm to proclaim it to those around him.
From 18 till 20 February 2011
Purpose of the Course:
That the participant becomes aware that accepting Jesus as Lord is not enough, in fact, he needs to accept Him also as his Teacher, who wants to form of him a disciple.
From 8 till 10 April 2011
Jesus in the Four Gospels
Purpose of the Course:
That the participant encounters and experiences Jesus personally, to such an extent that he falls in love with Him, becomes His servant and starts announcing the Good News from his personal experience.
From 6 till 8 May 2011

Purpose of the Course:
That the participant discovers the place of the Church in the Plan of Salvation as designed by God; together with the essential elements that make up the Catholic Church, not to start defending it, but to recognize it as the Community coming from God.
From 28 till 30 January 2011

At Annunciation Center, Floriana.

(not Live-in)

For the Members of the Community, Staff of the School, and the Leaders and Co-Leaders of the Cells.

The Compass
Purpose of the Course:
That the participant, who is also called to form part of an Equipe’ organizing a Course of Evangelisation, understands better the practical dynamics of such courses, and receives the necessary tools to fulfill better the ministry for which God has called him.
From 1 till 3 July 2011

At Annunciation Center, Floriana

(not Live-in)

For the Staff of the School of Evangelisation.
April 2025


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Now you can ffind and see: Update Picture of the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Latest Photos Countries of English Speaking Africa. Lectio Divina for this week.