Parish Cell System of Evangelisation

This is the Logo of the International Organism at the Service of the Parish Cell System of Evangelisation. The PCSE in Malta, forms part of this International Organism.
What is the Parish Cell System of Evangelisation.
OIKOS Evangelism go to
The Net or The Bomb: The Process of Evangelisation go to
The Seven Aims of the Cell go to
The Seven Moments in the Cell Meeting go to
The Structure of the Cell System go to
Teachings for the Cells of Evangelisation.
In Maltese go to
In English go to


OIKOS Evangelism.
OIKOS Evangelism is a relational evangelism. OIKOS is a Greek word found in the New Testament referring to the people one lives, works and meets in one’s own daily life. The OIKOS is formed of four categories, as illustrated in the diagram on the other side. More specifically, with the word OIKOS, we refer to the lost person – or the furthest from Jesus and His Church – among our OIKOS List.
Listen how to identify your Oikos: go to the Teaching of October 2010 Week 2.


The Net or The Bomb: The Process of Evangelization.
1. Interceding for the OIKOS.
During one’s own personal prayer, especially in Adoration of the Eucharist.

Asking and encouraging the other members of the Cell to intercede with you.
Listen further explanation: go to the Teaching of October 2010 Week 1.
Learn how to identify your OIKOS: go to the Teaching of October 2010 Week 2.

2. Serving your OIKOS.
Taking every opportunity to serve the OIKOS.

Seeking to be the first to notice moments of stress and be the first to assist.
Listen further explanation: go to the Teaching of October 2010 Week 3.

3. Sharing one’s own personal experience with the OIKOS.
When ask about your changed behaviour.

“I am sinful like you are, but Jesus has set me free!”
Listen further explanation: go to the Teaching of October 2010 Week 4.

4. Proclaiming the Good News to the OIKOS.
“God loves you as you are; He does not wait until you change.

“If you accept Him as your Lord, He gives you His Holy Spirit.
Listen further explanation: go to the Teaching of November 2010 Week 1.

5. Renewal of Baptism.
Encouraging the OIKOS to attend the Life In the Spirit Seminars or the Philip Course.

Helping the OIKOS to find a priest and encouraging him to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Listen further explanation: go to the Teaching of November 2010 Week 2.

6. The OIKOS starts to attend the Cell.
No one can imagine of living the New Life by himself.

Introducing the OIKOS with the Cell Leader.
Listen further explanation: go to the Teaching of November 2010 Week 3.

7. The OIKOS ministers in the Parish.
The OIKOS is helped to discern how he can serve in the Parish Community.

Introducing the OIKOS with the Parish Priest.
Listen further explanation: go to the Teaching of November 2010 Week 4.


The Seven Purposes of the Cell.
1. Growing in intimacy with the Lord
Encountering Him in prayer.

Coming to know Him better through Scriptures and the Teachings of the Church.
Listen further explanation: go to the Teaching of December 2010 Week 2.

2. Growing in mutual love.
Sharing our personal experiences.

Attending to each other’s needs.
Listen further explanation: go to the Teaching of December 2010 Week 3.

3. Sharing Jesus with others.
Sharing what the Lord has done in our lives.

Speaking about what Jesus has done and said.
Listen further explanation: go to the Teaching of December 2010 Week 4.

4. Ministering in the Body of Christ, which is the Church.
Being available to those in leadership.

Serve through a ministry in the Cell and in the Parish.
Listen further explanation: go to the Teaching of January 2011 Week 1.

5. Giving and receiving support.
Praying and being with those under trial.

Finding someone who prays and be with us in dark moments.
Listen further explanation: go to the Teaching of December 2011 Week 2.

6. Breeding new Leaders.
Training of members as Co-Leaders.

Multiplying the Cells and creating space for new Leaders.
Listen further explanation: go to the Teaching of December 2011 Week 3.

7. Deepening our Catholic identity.
Re-discovering our Baptism.

Recuring frequently to the Sacraments of the Eucharist and of Reconciliation.
Listen further explanation: go to the Teaching of December 2011 Week 4.


The Seven Moments of the Cell Meeting.
1. Praise.
Spontaneous prayer of praise and thanksgiving.

Making use of Psalms and Hymns for this purpose.
Listen further explanation: go to the Teaching of September 2010 Week 1.

2. Sharing of personal experiences.
What the Lord has done in your life during the last week.

What you have done for Him – how much you have evangelized – during the last week.
Listen further explanation: go to the Teaching of September 2010 Week 2.

3. Teaching of the Pastor.
Recorded and duplicated on a cassette or CD.

Listen to our teachings: here.
Listen further explanation: go to the Teaching of September 2010 Week 3.

4. Reflecting on the Teaching of the Pastor.
Responding to three questions taken as a guide.

It is a time of listening also to each other and not time of futile discussion or arguments.

5. Announcements.
What is happening or coming up in evangelization and in the Parish Cell System.

What is happening or coming up in the Parish.

6. Interceding for our OIKOS.
Everyone says a prayer for his own OIKOS, joined by the others.

We pray specifically, by mentioning our OIKOS by his or her name.
Listen further explanation: go to the Teaching of September 2010 Week 4.

7. Prayer for healing.
The members of the Cell pray for each other, especially for those who are most in need.

Laying on of hands by the Leader as prayers are said.


March 2025


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Now you can ffind and see: Update Picture of the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Latest Photos Countries of English Speaking Africa. Lectio Divina for this week.