Widening Our Vision

02.13.2010 · Posted in Home

Wednesday 10 February 2010 is a great day for our Nation: 1950th Anniversary since St Paul’s Shipwreck in our tiny island. You need a great vision to have the courage to hold everyone on board a ship being destroyed little by little by a great tempest; and even to persuade a Roman Centurion not to kill anyone of the prisoners! And St Paul had just received precisely that: an assurance that while the ship will be totally lost, no one on board would loose his life, not even a hair! Thank God for Fr Rene’ Camilleri for having referred to this striking event, while leading our Annual Retreat.

Only the ship will be lost! But ALL OF YOU, including ourselves, need not leave or abandon it to its own destruction. It is like saying: we need to live and bear the painful experience of our ship’s destruction in order to be saved and see new life! What a prophecy for those who are watching, as we do, the great crises of the Church today, and are tempted to jump off as many unfortunately are doing!! We wait for the Pope to assure us of this great vision!

Fr Paul Fenech

February 2025


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Now you can ffind and see: Update Picture of the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Latest Photos Countries of English Speaking Africa. Lectio Divina for this week.