Whose Compassion

03.14.2010 · Posted in Home

Do you think only anti abortionists listen to the cry of the millions of human beings killed in their mother’s womb? Do you think only some human rights activists listen to the cry of the thousands of children and young girls stolen and negotiated for their organs, for sexual exploitation and for combat training? And do you think that when these people feel compassion, it will be something just coming from their human nature?

That is what Moses thought when, at the age of 40 they revealed to him that he was actually a Jew and heard the cry of his people’s terrible slavery! But it took him 40 years of desert settlement, trying to deafen his ears of that cry, to realise that there was Someone else more powerful, Almighty, who has been listening to all that cry. It took him 40 years to realise that actually, his compassion was not coming from his human nature but was divine, and that he needed not be afraid of it or of any oppressor, murderer, abuser or self centred human beings. Yet, these people try to convince humanity that it is a question of democracy and majority rule; these people try to convince humanity that there is no God and what one feels can be neutralised by what another feels!

Do you think that God needs more than one person – another Moses – to rescue those who are suffering so unjustly today? But what type of person do you think that should be?

March 2025


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