Who is your hero?

11.01.2010 · Posted in Home

When we were young we used to dream, think and watch our heros.  This is normal and understandable.  We had a life infront of us, we were openning ourselves to the world, we were in the midst of our formation and we were trying to decipher what it is we wanted to be and do in life.

Now that we are grown ups, we ought to be heros, or at least almost. If we are still staring at our hero, it must be a sign of something that did not work out in our lives. In fact, we feel shy to reveal who is our hero, we think of him, watch him and try to play his part only secretly, because something inside of us tells us that such a thing is childish. We might have hidden it so much that we managed to burry it into our sub-conscious. But it comes out; it comes out very often in our dreams.

What is the subject of your dreams? Who is the hero of your dreams? What does he tell you about yourself, what does he reveal to you about yourself? Why is your hero always a winner? Why is he always successful? Why is he always popular? Why is he always praised and admired by people? Why is he ready to risk his life for others? Why is he so loveable and so loving?

Could the hero you so frequently dream of be the motivation behind certain places you visit in your free time? Could “he” be what you are stll searching for in your life?

What if one day you were to meet your hero come out of the cinema screen and stops right infront of you and calls you by name? What if your hero were to tell you: “I want to commune with you! I want to be part of you! Just take me within you; marry me! Claim whatever is mine, and whatever you feel lacking, whatever it is you so much desire!”

That will be the day! That is the day! There must be a hero capable of doing what our past experiences have created such a disabilty for us to do! There must be a hero who can transform himself from just being an external obejtive to an internalized subject; from acting outside to acting from within. Is it not this what we mean by salvation?

March 2025


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