Two kinds of Baptism

12.05.2010 · Posted in Home

Every religion has its own rites of initiation. Usually these rites include some ritual, whereby the neophyte is expected to subject himself to some kind of symbolic performance. It is a way of expressing one’s own determination to join what for the person is a new religion promising him a better life, here or in the afterlife.

Normally, it is a rite of purification, repentance, or conversion. It is a rite where man is the subject, the one who does something, and God is the object, the one who hopefully receives man’s gift. In all religions this is a very important and essential passage, as it gives the right to the individual to expect only blessings from God.

Even John the Baptist preached and performed such a ritual. In his case, it was not as much to embrace the Jewish religion, as in preparation to the one who is THE Saviour, THE Messiah. In fact, he will perform a totally new and unique Baptism.

Therefore, how is the Baptism of Jesus (the ONE who saves) different from the baptism of John, and any other initiation rite? In what does its uniqueness consits?

John the Baptist described it as baptism “with the Holy Spirit and fire”. First of all, here we do not have a sign that points to a reality – like the water signifying cleansing -. In the Baptism of Jesus we do not have a sign of what we can do, but a sign of what only God can do in us. The Baptism with the Holy Spirit does not only affirm the divinity of Jesus, it also declares what only Jesus can perform. In the Baptism of Jesus, God is not the object, receiving man’s offering of self. On the contrary, in the Baptism of Jesus, God is the subject, the one who is sharing His divinity, His Spirit, and man is the object, receiving the gift with gratefulness.

And the fire? Yes, because the Baptism of Jesus also involves a purification, a repentance and a conversion. However, with a great difference from the way you find them in all tthe other rites of initiation, including the baptism of John the Baptist. Whilst in these latter repentance and conversion are needed in anticipation, they are the conditions to enter religion, to befriend God and entitles one for his blessings, in the Baptism of Jesus, purification, repentance and conversion are the consequences of it, the fruit that comes from it. Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit and fire. He who receives His Baptism is a sinner who believes in Jesus as the Lord. He who is baptized by the Holy Spirit and fire, is born again, receives New Life, and becomes a new creation.

Fr Paul Fenech

March 2025


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