Thine Kingdom Come.

07.25.2010 · Posted in Home

Many think that Christianity is becoming ever more irrelevant to the culture and the man of the third millennium. You may want to discuss this point; you may agree with such an idea or you may not agree. I do not intend arguing on this issue. I just wish to pose another similar question, related but more specific. Take the main Christian Prayer, the Our Father, is it still relevant to the culture and the man of the third millennium? In it we pray: “Thine Kingdom come”. Is it still relevant to make such a prayer?

Emancipated Christians and emancipated whole Christian countries (if we cannot even speak of an emancipated whole Christian continent, such as Europe!) have declared their unilateral independence of God and His Kingdom. Maybe, the international law court, that this week has ruled the legitimacy of Kosovo in doing the same with regard to Serbia, would be in favor of such a stand. Many Europeans, and whole European countries have already abandoned the Kingdom of God. Are they citizens of some other kingdom? To which kingdom do they belong? Or have they become anarchists? History will eventually tell us!

But surely, the Kingdom of God is not subject to human frenzy. If it were so, it would cease to be the Kingdom of God and becomes the kingdom of man! When man, even if collectively, and not just the majority but unanimously, rejects the Kingdom of God, it remains unaffected. Such a decision only creates a vacuum both in the individual human heart, and in his collective culture.

One may want to discuss what nature does the kingdom being created in many European countries of a long Christian tradition, and the kingdom being created in the European Union, whose Constitution that refuses to recognize its memory and Christian roots is still pending, have. At this point, this is truly irrelevant! Whatever the kind of kingdom we are already living in, is it really irrelevant to pray whole heartily that the Kingdom of God may come?

Those who still believe need to pray more intensely the Our Father: “Thine Kingdom come”. The people around them, who have lost their faith (and may be not without a justifiable reason), may ridicule them and tell them to shout more. May be God does not want to listen, or maybe He is on long leave of absence, or maybe He fell asleep or in some coma. So we really need to shout more and intensify our intercession for such dischristianized peoples and countries. I am afraid, if we do not shout the proper way, others will come to shout in the most imposing way. Once Jesus told the people trying to silence those who were praising Him that. if they were to stop, the stones will shout! Let us shout reasonable and unceasingly. The alternative is shouting unreasonably and violently. But the Kingdom of God will surely come!

March 2025


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