Rushing, Postponing, Hesitating.

06.30.2010 · Posted in Home

St Augustine expressed fear from a spiritual handicap. He said: <em>”I am afraid of such a moment when Jesus pass by infront of me and I do not recognise Him!”</em> If he were our contemporary, he would surely be afraid even of cultural handicap. With regard to a desirable object, our handicap is that we want it there and then, instantly: Yes, now! With regard to an undesirable benefit, our handicap is that we would like to obtain it some day: Yes, not now! And with regard to the most serious issues of our lives, where spiritual values put material ones at stake, our handicap is that we tend to take the cake and eat it: Yes and No!

The culture we are living in makes it so easy for us to get whatever we want and desire now. No matter how much it may cost, we can borrow and get it. No waiting! We have become so shortsighted; we do not even think what the consequences might be, or whether we shall be able to pay the price! We have this mentality even with regard to spiritual values and experiences. Rushing into sects, religions or spiritual movements because of some striking and ecstatic experience has led so many to be very much deceived! Jesus expect a Yes from everybody. But not necessarily now! He prefers to wait until one makes one’s own homework; because He wants an unwavering Yes and a persevering Yes, a Yes till the end!

The culture we are living in makes it difficult for us to say yes now when some sacrifice is involved. We are upbringing our children in a sort of a doll house, where you can get whatever you desire and like; where sacrifice and suffering are a sort of evil and taboo, which ought to have nothing to do with real life and human experience. So we say yes to diet, say yes to breaking from a dangerous circle of friends, or to stop smoking, drinking or gambling… but we lack the least power even to think about the step. Therefore we end up postponing the important because of the urgent personal needs, until it is too late. For Jesus there is only one valid Yes: Yes, Now! Jesus, as the divine Son of God, is the eternal present. For Jesus, yesterday, today and tomorrow are all the same: Now! Now is the moment of grace. Not to respond now, is like not responding at all; and one might be loosing the opportunity of a lifetime!

The culture of death, that we are breathing, has brought an injustice even to death itself! Separating death from life, disconnecting them from each other, results in emtying both from any meaning. We do not even realise the absurdity of the culture we have created, inspite of all the progress man has done in every field of life! Even nature itself, if we were to listen to it, tells us that there can be no life without death. Death is at the service of life. Seeking death as the only and ultimate solution is like loosing trust in life. Living to die is the most absured scope of life. Dying to live is the most noble and lofty scope of human dignity. Saying Yes when you intend saying No; or saying Yes without saying No, is like saying No. Actually, it is worse than saying No. Because saying No, you know that there is another option: that of saying Yes; you know that a Yes is awaiting you; you know that whenever you realise, you can say Yes. But to say Yes and No, means you are not seeing any other option: you are trying to accomodate yourself into a position were you can enjoy the most of both and watering down their demands. Jesus deserves a clear decision, the decision that gives you life and dignity!

February 2025


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