His Voice More Than His Word

04.25.2010 · Posted in Home

Today we are living in a culture that has lost its sense of hearing.  We rather go by what we see, the visual.  The reason may be because man is fed up with words.  This is the negative consequence of the great and rapid progress man has made in mass communication, freedom of expression and technology.  Today it has become more than easy for every one to say whatever he feels like saying to everybody.  And the more you have of a kind, the less you appreciate it!

Today, the Word of God is just another word among the multitude of words pronounced all the time.  And this without mentioning the dis-service rendered to the word by all those who lie and are unfaithful to their word even at the very moment the proclaim it!

Until few years ago, the Word of God could be found only in hands of priests.  Now adays it is the Book most sold and even distributed for free!  You can find the Bible everywhere, eeven in Hotel rooms.  Many Christian denominations, groups and even sects who do not even deserve that name, preach the Word of God, and pester the homes of people quoting the Bible, and not a false one re-written by their founders – No!  The very edition published by the Catholic Church, carring the signiture of some direct Successor of the Apostles! –

And yet, so many people are very easily led astray!  Why?  Is the problem with the Word of God that remains the Word of Truth, whoever proclaims it?  Or is it with the Voice?  There are still many many people, even amongst baptised Christians, who do not recognise the Voice of Jesus from any other voice.  If you are one of “His sheep” you would be able to tell “impostures” approaching you with the Bible:  “Yes, that is the Word of God, but yours IS NOT THE VOICE OF JESUS BECAUSE I RECOGNISE HIS VOICE!

(This message is a reflection posted in the Lectio Divina of the Fourth Easter Sunday Year C).

March 2025


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Now you can ffind and see: Update Picture of the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Latest Photos Countries of English Speaking Africa. Lectio Divina for this week.