God gives His Kingdom!

08.08.2010 · Posted in Home

God went to the Jews, enslaved in Egypt and told them: “I have decided to give you the Kingdom”. And they told Him: “Finally! We have been praying so eagerly for so many years! We almost lost heart that the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, might still be alive!”

God went again to the Jews, two thousand years ago, and told them once more: “I have decided to give you the Kingdom”. And they said once more: “O, you woke up at last! Five hundred years have we been without hearing from you! For many years we been dominated and suffered from the Greeks, and now we are so suffocated in our land by the Roman Empire! We have been calling to you day and night. We have also been deceived, first by Theudas, then by Judas of Galilee, then by Jesus of Nazareth, all of them said that they were the Messiah sent by you to set us free and restore to us our Kingdom!”

God went to the Christians, almost at the same time. He sent Luke to tell them: “I have decided to give you the Kingdom”. And they told Him: “Yes, Lord! We remember you promising us that you will come again in Glory! Many of those who were there when you were lifted up, and asked you, ‘Lord, is this the time that you are going to restore the Kingdom of Israel’ are still alive. So, you are coming soon. We are all waiting for you – some of us to not even want to go to work, in case you come and they miss you! Hurry, please, hurry! Before we too are given to the hungry lions, as so many thousands of us have already fed the animals and satisfied the sadistic frenzies of the pagans.”

And God came in various parts of Europe in the early 40’s of last century, and among the sound of sirens of frequent air raids, God came to our grand-parents and parents and told them: “I have decided to give you the Kingdom”. And with the rosary beads in their hands, they told Him: “That will be the day! We lost everything, houses, dear ones… all around us we see nothing but distractions! We have no other hope apart from you! Until we are not killed like so many others, or deported to be killed in so many inhuman ways, we keep praying that your Kingdom come!”

And God has coming again to us today in Europe. And He is telling us: “I have decided to give you the Kingdom”. And we are telling Him: “Haha! You are joking! What Kingdom are you speaking about? Look around you, in spite of the economical crisis we are very well off! We are enjoying ourselves, we are really living in the freest continent of the world! Is it not this the kingdom of heaven on earth?! What kingdom are you talking about? May be you missed the plane; you’d better go to the Palestinians, the Iraqi, the Afghan people, or the people of north Pakistan who lost everything because of floods… they really need your Kingdom!”

Who said that man never learns? But when is all humanity going to learn? Yes, as much as there are people and nations who laugh at God, or at anybody, who would go telling them that He wants to give them His kingdom; there are even more people, nations and whole continents, who have been suffering so much, that their only hope is God… and they are so eager to see the day of God’s Kingdom of justice and truth, of holiness and peace!

God has decided to give you His Kingdom”. I think I can guess your reaction at a glance! Can you guess anybody’s reaction?

March 2025


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