Are You Disposable?

05.02.2010 · Posted in Home

Living on a very tight schedule, running after time, a very hectic life indeed, we have come to invent ways and means of gaining time just by going after disposables. No need to waist more time in washing and wiping plates, cups and cutlers!, no need to wash towels and handkerchiefs. You can even have a disposable camera, and so many other things. Use, dispose and move.

It is becoming a mentality and a new culture. This is what happens when we start adopting the same attitude in every sphere of life. Consider: even human beings and relationships have become disposable. We have conserved ova and sperm for one to dispose of. We have wives disposing of their husbands for a new partner and vice versa. Use, dispose and move.

So long as you use others and dispose of them when you are fed up, it is ok, you do not see anything wrong about it. But you do not realize that you would be contributing for the creation of such a mentality. And when it becomes the order of the day, be sure that some day that will be the treatment you will get. You will be used, disposed of, and those who were so much in love with you, and made such great promises, you will see them moving on and passing by as if they can cancel history just like that.

Sometimes you hear critiques of the Church saying that the Catholic Church in particular has become irrelevant, because it still holds strong against certain issues that in actual fact promote this type of mentality, and they foresee its eventual disappearance. Yet, the message of Jesus has never been so relevant: “from this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for the other”. You know what love? “As I have loved you!” Jesus’ love, is the Love of the New Covenant. Far from disposing of any human being, even if it consists of an enemy, someone who abuse Him, Jesus asked God not to consider His enemy’s sin, and gave His life for the sake of man.

When we Christians, especially we Catholics, speak about love, but foster a mentality of use, dispose and move on, even within our parish circles, we would be really irrelevant and counter witnesses to Our Lord and Savior. Some day, he who has suffered abuse and personal damping would be seeking a place where personal esteem can be restored, where he can experience acceptance for who he is, and where he can feel the security of a Community founded on a Covenant Love.

(This message is based on a reflection in the Lectio Divina on the Gospel of the Fifth Easter Sunday Year C).

March 2025


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Now you can ffind and see: Update Picture of the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Latest Photos Countries of English Speaking Africa. Lectio Divina for this week.