A Unique Name.

01.09.2011 · Posted in Home

Human mind can give so many beautiful, great and worthy names to God. But there is a name which is inconceivable to the mind of man… so much beyond him. Even if he were to think of it, such as when he hears others attributing it to God, it sounds so much unreasonable and presumptuous, that he considers it blasphemous.

That is to say that God is Love. To add such a name to any list of names that one can imagine to call God with, is to re-define every other name. To say that God is the Greatest is one thing, and to say that God, who is Love, is the Greatest is another thing.

It is understandable to call God the Greatest, it is implied the very definition of “God”. If there is a god who is not the greatest, than it must either be that he is not truly God, or else that there should be another God.
There must be a God above all gods! There must be One God vested with all authority. Authority cannot be shared: no ship can sail safely to its destination having two captains (a Maltese saying). Just imagine if it were to have three captains!

That is precisely what is declared in believing that God is Love. Contrary to authority, Love cannot be exercised by only one person. Love necessarily demands at least two persons: The Lover and the Beloved. However, if you think about it, it is within the nature of love to be expansive. The Lover can never claim to possess true Love if his Love stops at the Beloved and does not go beyond him. The Lover, together with the Beloved, in him and through him, Loves all else. Love is life-giving, creative, generates new life. God, who is Love, is a Triune God: One God and Three Persons.

No human mind could have ever imagined or even dared to think of such a God. For the wise of the earth, who go solely by human wisdom this way of looking and speaking about God is foolishness; and for the devout religious, this is a scandal.

We too understand that. It is only thanks to a personal experience of Jesus, whereby we heard Him calling us to follow Him and become His disciples, learning to look at everything through His mind, eyes, and light, that we can accept God’s true Name above all other Names.

Encountering Jesus is to be born again: going through the Blessed Womb of the Spirit of God. In the same way that each and every human being was conceived, formed and given light through his or her mother’s womb, so also those who are born again “of water and the Holy Spirit” need to go through the Womb of God and of the Church, that is the Baptismal.

Post-Christian era has chosen to renounce Jesus and Baptism, and has chosen to create a parody of Love, whereby sexual pleasure is divorced from communion of persons enjoying sexual complementarity and from the responsibility of parenthood. Post Christian era has chosen to strip womanhood of its very dignity and to desecrate her womb, the sanctuary of new life, turning it into a horrible death chamber. Post-Christian era has been good at creating a culture of death.

It is about time that Christians renew their Baptism, go back to their roots of origin, return to the Womb of God’ s presence, where they have been formed as adoptive children of God. It is about time that all renewed Christians intercede, together with Mary, in whose womb the Word of God became flesh to dwell amongst us, so that the Holy Spirit may overshadow all humanity as in a new Pentecost.

Fr Paul Fenech

March 2025


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