
  • 22nd Anniversary
Inauguration of the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration

On Tuesday 23 September 2013, the Archbishop Mons Paul Cremona OP inaugurated the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration with a Mass at St Publius Parish Church in Floriana, followed by a procession with the Holy Sacrament to the Chapel of Adoration at Annunciation Center.

Eucharistic Week September 2013

From 22 till 29 September a Eucharistic Week was organised on the occasion of the inauguration of the first Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in Malta after 18 years. This was led by Fr Alberto Pacini from Rome.

Light in the Night and NightFever 2013

Another joined mission was held at Balluta in Malta on 6 and 7 September 2013 with a group of 40 youths coming from Malta, Germany, Spain, Albania and Lithuania. On the first day we had a Light in the Night, and on the second day a NightFever for the first time in Malta.

Youth Outreach in Ragusa

From 8 till 11 August 2013, twenty youths from Malta, Albania and Lithuania took part in a Camp of Formation and Evangelisation together with 60 youths from various parts of Sicily at San Luca in Ragusa, followed by an Outreach at Marina di Ragusa.

Mission in Mauritius

The second mission was in St Anne\'s Parish, in Stanley, Mauritius, between 19 and 26 July 2013

Mission in Uganda

The first mission of the International Organism at the Service of the Parish Cell System of Evangelisation in an English speaking African country was held in Masaka Diocese, Uganda, on the occasion of the First Centenary of Indigenous Priesthood with two Retreats between 7 and 13 July 2013.

Permanent Formation of Leaders 2012

This years Course of Permanent Formation for Leaders and Co-Leaders was very well attended with guest speakers like Philip Borg and Don Gianni Mezzasalma from the Community Eccomimandame of Ragusa. The themes included: Eucharistic Adoration, the Vision of the PCSE, One-to-one Accompaniment, Restructuring the System, and the Importance of the Cell Rally.

Light in the Night Marsascala 2012

On Saturday 22nd September, the third Light in the Night for Summer was held at Marsascala. The youths leading the Outreach had the usual time of formation and fellowship as an essential part of the event.

Summer Student Camp September 2012

The second Summer Student Camp, led by Vitalia and Sarune at Villa Psaigon, Had-Dingli, was held between Sunday 2 and Tuesday 4 September 2012.

Visit by Don Alberto Pacini

Following the vision of our Community to establish the first Perpetual Adoration in Malta after 17 years, between the 4 and 6 August, we had a visit by Don Alberto Pacini who met the group of youths and members of our Community to share and discuss about this vision.

Summer Student Camp July 2012

The first Summer Student Camp, led by Vitalia and Sarune at Villa Psaigon, Had-Dingli, was held between Tuesday 24 and Thursday 26 July 2012.

Youth Camp of Evangelisation in Lithuania 2012

A group of 14 Maltese youths, including an Italian, joined another group of 42 Lithuanians for an International Youth Camp of Evangelisation. The first four days included time of formation at the Youth Camp of Kekstai, and on the last days two big outreaches were held at the Summer Risort City of Palanga.

Course Compass 2012

From Friday 6 till Sunday 8 July 2012 the Course Compass was held for the second time for the Staff Members involved in the Courses of the School of Evangelisation.

XIII ACEF Conference

This year\'s annual Conference was held at the University Residence, Hal-Lija, during which the Vision of the Community Disciples of Jesus for the coming three years was presented and discussed

Cell Rally - June 2012

On Sunday 24 June 2012 during the Cell Rally, Vitalija Stanislauskaitė and Šarūnė Daugerdaitė were presented to the Assembly. They are two Lithuanian students at the Catholic Faculty of Theology in Vytautas Magnus University of Kaunas. They are amongst us for three months as part of the project Erasmus Practice.

Multiplication of Cell H4

On the 29 April, the Cell H4 was multiplied during the Cell Rally of the month. Marthese Farrugia, leader of the new Cell H7 is seen lightening the candle from Ghita Vella, leader of the mother cell.

St Eustorgio 2012

Between the 9 and 13 May 2012, the 23rd International Workshop on the Parish Cell System of Evangelisation was held in the Parish of St Eustorgio, Milan. This year this Parish is celebrating the 25th Anniversary since it introduced this System and started to spread it all over the Catholic Church.

Course Emmaus 2012

The Course Emmaus was held at Tas-Silg Prayer House, Marsaxlokk, between Friday 20 and Sunday22 April 2012.

DVD Night

On Saturday 9 March 2012, the youths attending Cells and committed to Youth Evangelization, organized a DVD Night to raise funds for the Summer Youth Camp of Evangelization to be held in Lithuania the coming July. The film \"Letters to God\" was projected.

Course Inner Healing 2012

Another Course of Inner Healing was held at Annunciation Center, Floriana, for a group of 25 people, between 16 and 18 March 2012.

Formation of Leaders Sacro Cuor Parish

On Monday 20 February 2012 the National Service Team for the Parish Cell System of Evangelisation started the six session Course of Formation Leaders for a group of 22 members of the Sacro Cuor Parish, Sliema, on the invitation of the Parish Priest, Fr Richard Stanley Grech OFM.

Course On the Footsteps of Jesus Together with Peter

Between 27 and 29 January 2012, Valentina Tumino and Giorgio, from the Community Eccomimandame of Ragusa, led the Course \"On the Footsteps of Jesus Together with Peter\" for the Members of the Disciples of Jesus Community, for the first time in Malta.

Meetings with the Community Eccomimandame

On Friday 2nd December a group of 25 Members of the Disciples of Jesus Community, Leaders and Members of the Parish Cell System of Evangelization and Youths from the Dawl Bil-Lejl left for Ragusa to have a week-end of meetings with the Community Eccomimanda.

VII National Workshop

From Monday 7 till Sunday 13 November, the VII National Workshop on the Parish Cell System of Evangelization was held with Don Sergio Mattaliano being the guest speaker.

New Evangelizers with the Pope

19 Members of our Community, Leaders and Members of the Parish Cell System of Evangelization and Staff Members of the School of Evangelization attended a unique meeting in Rome, together with 10,000 New Evangelizers from allover the world, on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 October 2011.

Course of Permanent Formation 2011

Between September and October the National Service Team held a Course of Permanent Formation for the Leaders and Co-Leaders of Cells of Evangelisation at ACEF, with the main speakers being Fr Marcello Ghirlando OFM, Fr Paul Fenech and Fr Martin Micallef OFM Capp.

Annual Assembly 2011

The Annual Assembly of the Disciples of Jesus Community was held on Monday 12 September 2011 at Annunciation Centre, whereby Tessie Buhagiar read the Annual Report and Richard Galea presented the Statement of Accounts for the Year 2010. Meeting ended with a fellowship to celebrate Fr Paul\'s birthday.

Basic Course for Street Evangelisation

Between the 8 and 10 September 2011, the Basic Course for Street Evangelisation was organised by the Ministery for Youth Evangelisation of the Community, for twenty youngsters at Tas-Silg Prayer House.

Outreach Palanga Lithuania

On Saturday 16th July, between 10.00p.m. and 1.00a.m., the Church of Palanga saw the beginning of a new evangelization with 50 youths going out to invite youths in the streets, welcoming them and accompaning them to meet Jesus personally, while others proclaimed the Word of God from Scriptures and through hymns, and others praying for them.

Lithuania Mission

On the 13th July 2011, the mission of Fr Paul, Bernardette and Angie in Lithuania began with a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Siluva and a meeting with the Archbishop Mons Sigitas Tamkevicius and His Auxiliary Bishop Mons Jonas Ivanauskas of Kaunas. Then they proceeded to the summer risort of Palanga, where they led the Basic Course for Street Evangelization for a group of 50 Lithuanian youths.

Course John 2011

The course on discipleship, John, was held at the House of Prayer at Tas-Silg, between Friday 15 and Sunday 17 April 2011

Inner Healing March 2011

Twenty two people attended the Course of Inner Healing held at Tas-Silg House of Prayer between Friday 18 and Sunday 20 March 2011. Many testified to the healings they received.

Outreach at the University 2011

On Tuesday 22nd February our Ministry for Youth Evangelization organized an Outreach at the University, in which the theology students from Lithuania took an active part. The Outreach was held in collaboration with the University Chaplaincy and the MKSU.

Theology Students from Lithuania

From the 19 till the 26 February 2011, a group of 12 students from the Catholic Faculty of Theology of the Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania, visited our Community to see and receive formation on the Parish Cell System of Evangelization.

Course Peter 2011

The Course Peter was held at Annunciation Center between 28 and 30 January 2011. 40 people participated in the Course, led by Don Gianni Mezzasalma, Saro Antoci and Ivana Firriti from Eccomimandame Community of Ragusa

Philip Course Youths

The Philip Course held between 1 and 3 October 2010, at Tas-Silg Prayer House in Marsaxlokk, for Youths.

Student Camp July 2010

The last Student Camp for this Scholastic Year, held between 9-11 July 2010 at Annunciation Center.

XI ACEF Conference

On Tuesday 29th June, Feast of St Peter and St Paul, the XI ACEF Conference was held at the CAK, B\'Kara. The Theme was: \"Nicodemus Came To Jesus By Night\", and the special guest was Fr Martin Micallef OFM Capp.

33rd Anniversary at Pwales

On Saturday 26th June 2010 a Pilgrimage was held on the 33rd Anniversary of Fr Paul\'s Baptism in the Holy Spirit at St Anne and St Joachim Chapel at Pwales, St Paul\'s Bay.

XXI Workshop Milano

Alfred Vella and Sylvia Cauchi, together with Fr Paul, attending for the International Workshop in St Eustorgio, Milan between 26-30 May 2010

Balluta Dawl Bil-Lejl

First Dawl Bil-Lejl at Balluta, Sliema with the Mandate give to youth evangelizers by the Parish Priest Fr Maurice OCarm

University Outreach

For the second time, the Ministry for Youth Evangelisation of the Disciples of Jesus Community had an Outreach on Campus.

Students Camp

The first Student Camps for Boys and Girls of Form II and Form I respectively were held at Annunciation Centre in March 2010

Annual Retreat

Community Disciples of Jesus: Annual Retreat Re-integrating the Kerygma, the Community and the Charism

22nd Anniversary

22nd Anniversary of the Disciples of Jesus Community And the Launching of this Website

March 2025


Now you can ffind and see:

Now you can ffind and see: Update Picture of the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Latest Photos Countries of English Speaking Africa. Lectio Divina for this week.