Questions Jesus might be asking you.

During this special year of grace, there are some questions that Jesus might be asking you. In the New Testament there are quite a number of such questions addressed to various types of persons in different circumstances. When they were made, God might have had you in mind, at this very moment of your life journey. Say a prayer to the Holy Spirit, let Him indicate to you one of the following questions and choose it to read the context in which it was originally made. Then, pray the Lectio Divina on that passage, concentrating on the question of Jesus. If you have any inspiration about the profound meaning of that question, a reflection, or a prayer that you would like to share, please do post it for the benefit of others. May God bless you as you discover the Truth.
Question Passage
Why are you sleeping? Luke 22:39-46
What do you want? John 1:35-51
Whom are you looking for? John 18:1-9
Why were you searching for me? Luke 2:41-52
Who do you say that I am? Matthew 16:13-23
What is your name? Luke 8:26-39
Why are you so frightened? Mark 4:35-41
Do you believe this? John 11:20-46
Where is your faith? Luke 8:22-25
When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? Luke 18:1-8
Are you a teacher of Israel, and yet you do not understand these things? John 3:1-21
Do you ask this of your own accord, or have others said it to you about me? John 18:33-38
If salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? Luke 14:27-35
Can any of you, however much you worry, add a single cubit to your span of life? Luke 12:22-33
What, then, will anyone gain by winning the whole world and forfeiting his life? Matthew 16:24-28
What father among you, if his son asked for a fish, would hand him a snake? Luke 11:9-13
Has no one condemned you? John 8:2-11
Do you want to be well again? John 5:1-9
Do you love me? John 21:15-19
Why are you persecuting me? Acts 9:1-20
Why do you have such wicked thoughts in your hearts? Matthew 9:1-7
See all the Questions Jesus asked in the Four Gospels.
February 2025


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Now you can ffind and see: Update Picture of the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Latest Photos Countries of English Speaking Africa. Lectio Divina for this week.