Prayer Requests

Share your needs:

We pray for you.

Listen to these cries:

Make a prayer.

Jesus said: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Matthew 18:19-21 English Standard Version); and “Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. (John 14:12-14 English Standard Version)
Feel free to post a request for intercession. Our Community will bring your needs infront of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. You are also encouraged to visit this page regularly and reply to the intentions you read here, by posting a prayer. If you do that, and everybody who visits this page does the same, then it will not be just our Community to be praying for you, but so many people around the world.

26 Responses to “Prayer Requests”

  1. Bernadette says:

    Let us keep in our prayers, youths who are seeking meaning in life and youths who are, starting to understand new Evangelization. Please keep in your prayers Dawl Bil-Lejl mission. These youths need our prayers everyday, so let us keep them in our hearts for they are in a constant battle and need our support in prayer. Thanks and God bless

  2. Cassar Francis says:

    Dear Bernardette

    Your are not alone in your prayers.

    May God Bless you and your helpers

  3. carmen boffa says:

    Brothers and sisters, let us unite our prayers and offer whatever duties we have, little sufferings, little sacrifices, to all those youths who where touched by Jesus,and they would like to share Him with others. Let our prayer be as one. To our Holy Mother Mary who was the first to evangelize Jesus Her son. May these youths be encouraged by Her,
    and follow her footsteps by saying ” Thy will be done.” May the Holy spirit guide all those taking part in dawl bil-lejl.

  4. Georgina Ebejer says:

    Next Sunday, being the feast of the Holy Trinity, many Maltese and Gozitan children will be doing their First Holy Communion. Let us all pray that these boys and girls will find responsible parents who set good examples of a true Christian life and who will take them to church if possible every day and not only once in a while.

    Let us pray…..

  5. Fr Paul Fenech says:

    Let us interceed for the Evangelization on Campus at the University of Vytautas Magnus, in Kaunas, Lithuania,
    on Wednesday 23rd March 2011, organized by the theology students that were amongst us last month.
    “On the next Wednesday we have our evangelization event – a version of “the Light in the night”. We try to collaborate with all pastoral care centers of our universities in Kaunas and it is a big challenge to make those people understand the essence and the importance of this event.” – Giedre Barckute

  6. Richard Galea says:

    Doreen and I shall be praying for the Campus event in Lithuania and we shall not forget the local brothers and sisters of Dawl bil-lejl for the wonderful mission they are undertaking. God bless you all.

  7. May Scicluna says:

    Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth, eternal Father; may your name be exalted,
    for yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory.

    Thank you for the youth of the world, especially our youths. Thank you also for the Lithuanian youths who visited us last month. Through the intercession of our Lady, your mother and in the name of Jesus, your Son, please let them know that You are present and please help them in every aspect of their lives especially on 23/03.

    Help all youths so that, they may respond to your call with all their burning energy and enthusiasm.

    Lord, hear us.
    Lord, graciously hear us.

  8. Priya Lee says:

    Plz Pray for Me that all My Problems related to Romeo should be solved as soon as possible & My Family should Always Be Happy…

  9. Dorothy Bezzina says:

    Summer is over and after being present at all the “Dawl bil-lejl” experiences in various parishes i thank God for granting me the grace of intercedeing for these brave youths who choose to spend their sat night praising God and evangelizing other youths. Todays youths are the future of our faith so let us pray to God for more opportunities for the evangelization of youths, more surprises like the students from Lithuania – only He knows what He has in store for us – so let us pray that we may be prepared for His calling!! Thank you Jesus for all that you entrust us with, give us the grace to be worthy of your trust and the power to overcome all difficulties. Praise be the Lord!!!

  10. Sr. Gemma Farrugia SJA says:

    I praise the Lord for the Spirit working in the disciples of Jesus. I unite myself to them . In this time od Advent we pray the people all over the world will await the grace offered by the FAther in Jesus through Mary. The christians everywhere be witnesses of Jesus in the Incarnation in love and humility. Father we thank you for given us to your Son may He be glorified in us. Amen.

  11. bernardett says:

    Dear Father, Jesus, and Holy spirit enlighten our hearts at this age and moment of truth, so that we might see like you see, so that we might react like you do , so that we might think like you do. Dear Lord open our hearts to the Holy Spirit, bring us near to you we would like to be close enough to hear your heart beat. I pray for our youths who need a lot of support in prayers. Our families who, some of us are experiencing sickness in health and in spirit. Please join me in my prayers.God bless our community and our leaders.

  12. Carmen Boffa says:

    Thank you Lord for using us as tools in Your hands; course Emmaus was a wonderful experience. and I would like to pray for all those who took part, including the team who were a great help.May the Lord bless us all and encourage us to keep reproducing these courses. May the Lord fill us with the Holy Spirit, to keep us in Jesus’ image and thirst us for His word.

    • May God help me and protect my son for If dont trust God then I will just end my pain and the devil would win.I will not be able to live if he is harmed so if I dont believe I will be better off dead.i cant watch.hopeless while my son is in danger I cant help him but if fGod.values my worthless life he will spare my sons life

  13. This is my first time in this website. I am looking for work hopefully in the Church. I have experience abroad with active evangelisation and intercessory prayer. Thank you for your prayers. May Our Lord bless you.

    • bernardett says:

      Dear Rita, it is great to know , people like you who are, experience and active in new evangelisation , so you must know how important it is to intercede for new evangelisation. I will jjoin you in my prayers and continue interceding, so that Jesus will show us his ways , and we will be le by the HOLY SPIRIT in this year of faith. God Bless all.

    • Thank you may the Almighty God bless you

  14. elaine frankland says:

    Father I bring before You all those who are in need of a share of your healing and peace.
    Audrey recovering from knee surgery
    Janet awaiting the results for the treatment of cancer
    Jean coping with cancer
    Eileen terminal cancer
    Celia bereavement, help her to let go and let you
    Christopher severe stomach problems
    Dorothy and Jean

  15. elaine frankland says:

    Father we thank you that Audreys knee recovery is good, that Janets cancer is not as severe.
    I ask that you be with my daughter who jjob situation at work is difficult and I ask that you give her the strength, to cope until the end of the term.

    I pray for myself that I will closely listen to your voice.amen

  16. elaine frankland says:

    Father for our Away Day on Saturday, that you will remove the scales from the peoples eyes who attend, be with our leader Rev Gill travelling mercies, wisdom and may we all grow closer to you and to each other.

  17. bernardett says:

    I would like to thank Jesus for everything he is doing in our lives, especially today Lord I would like to pray for the youth cells of evangelisation. Let us show them that this is your way of reaching out to others, show us how to guide them , and renew in them The Spirit that they have received in their baptism. I pray that they will make a ppersonal encounter with you, so that they will live to evangelise. Teach us how to take goo care of them, and how to make disciples out of them. Lord graciously hear us.

  18. stalin bright says:

    Hi Brother,My Mom (Mrs.Pushpa) having severe LVD & Severe MR heart problem(Heart Blood Valve Leakage & Heart Functioning is only 24%) ,Doctors are not ready to continue treatment/surgery,so we are now helpless,please pray for my mom to improve the heart functioning above 70% & for leakage in heart blood valve .

  19. Hi,

    I am really in need of your prayers please pray for me and my family as we are going through difficult time due problems at wwork.


  20. Bernardette Decelis says:

    Let us pray especially for the youth ministry. It needs lots of prayers especially the music ministry were equipment is needed badly. Youth cells and youths in the community need lots of support and prayers. Thanks Lord for graciously hearing us.

  21. If God will have mercy let those who believe pray for kaelyn Benavides stay far away from trouble and danger .may he come to know God,i fear I dont have the strenghth to live I will end my life if he is harmed

  22. Leo Sourisseau says:

    Prayer For the Second Coming of Jesus –

    I pray that Jesus Christ returns to Earth soon, to bring the eternal love and peace of the Kingdom of God to all who believe in Him, and for every knee to bow to Him, and for every tongue to confess that Jesus is Lord at His return. Amen.
    Dear fellow Christians, please pray for this prayer request above, and please share it with everyone! Until it comes true, and Jesus returns to save His people – which hopefully, by then, will include all of us! Thank You!
    God bless you!
    Leo Sourisseau
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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